

Publix ist die neue Heimat in Berlin, für alle die Journalismus machen, Öffentlichkeit gestalten und die Demokratie stärken. Zusammen mit unsere Freund*innen von SOCIAL SOCIAL, haben wir das komplette neue Branding entwickelt, was das Recherchieren, Finden und Zugänglich-Machen — und die digitalen Werkzeuge, die es ermöglichen — zelebrieren. Und schau mal, wir haben wir auch einen eigenen umfangreichen Pool an Icons, speziell für deren Themenfelder, entwickelt.

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A New Generation of Giving

A New Generation of Giving

Common Coin is the new way to support important humanitarian, environmental and animal causes. And a fresh start to excite more people to give. That's why we decided to give ourselves, and support this young non-profit with strategy, a shiny new look and a complete branding package through our STUDIO HOEKSTRA GRANT 2021. We recommend Common Coin to anyone who wants to donate, be it this year or next!

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LÜCHTENHOF is a place for light and darkness.

And for the transformation that happens in between. 700 years ago, the candles for Hildesheim's processions were drawn here. From 2022, LÜCHTENHOF is growing into a place for the arts, monastic spirituality and founding culture - with a fresh, contemporary branding that embraces this versatility.

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BABA CARE is K-Beauty from Frankfurt. Created by a colorful group of people, but not tested on animals so no one dies trying. See the grainy shot for the founding Babas! #90s

Make sure to check out their four new skincare products! And btw product shots by Lukas Schwan.

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Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Sustainability must be seen as the most urgent global challenge of our time, and not just since the 6th IPCC report. The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) has been success­fully advancing the issue for two decades now. We gave the studies and publications of RNE's Global Forum a brand new look. And how else to do this than digital first: the physical publications were redefined as interactive, digital presentations.

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